Running your own business is amazingly rewarding. But…it does come with challenges and can be overwhelming at times. Growth, change, and new experiences don’t have to hurt and stress you out. Sometimes, with a bit of a change in our mindset, we can overcome our blockers and feel more empowered.
First things first. Breathe. Take a deep breath and center yourself, so you can think clearly. That’s right, deep breath in. Deep breath out. You’ve got this. You are an amazing Entrepreneur. Notice the capital “E”. And, at this moment how about you try on a different perspective that might serve you well.
We’ll let you in on a little secret…there is nothing wrong with feeling a bit overwhelmed. The trick is not staying in that space for too long. Running your own business takes some mastery. So, your brain may feel overloaded with ideas from time to time (and, that’s okay).
Let us share a few simple tricks of the trade to help you stay the course of success and keep the anxiety down:
1. Start Writing – Anything and Everything
It doesn’t matter the order, just get things out of your head. Declutter your mind, so you are not mentally juggling a long “To-Do List”. Freeing up mental space allows you to create from a positive and productive point of view. Seeing what you have been thinking will also help you better organize your tasks and plan for the future.
2. GO! Take Action (Even a small one)
Take actions towards a goal, even if it is something small. The idea here is to move towards completion, not to complete everything. One step at a time will get you to the finish line. Never taking a step keeps you stuck in place. Waiting until every box is checked and every “t” is crossed simply will not do. Every action that you take to bring you closer to your goal and your vision is a step closer to success. Period. Don’t talk about it. Be about it.
3. Give Yourself Grace
Realize that there will never be enough time in a day to get it all done. You are doing what you can. You can do more tomorrow. Keep working your plan. Speak words of encouragement over yourself. Or pick up the phone and call your circle of friends, family, or community that inspires you to be GREAT! Having the added support will keep you thriving during the hard times and will celebrate with you during the good ones.
4. Done Well is Better Than Perfect
I’ve yet to meet a perfect anything in my 43 years on this Earth. Maybe I haven’t lived long enough. But, what I have learned is to do your very best. Consult and leverage SMEs to ensure you have the best results possible. Nothing is perfect, but offer the best that you’ve got in full transparency, earnestness, and truth – your clients will see the value in your brand.
To sum it all up and most importantly, always remember the reason you started your business in the first place. Focus on the vision of your business and the values that you honor by doing the amazing work that you do. When the anxiety, stress, overwhelming feelings creep up again, breathe. Then go back to #1 and repeat.
And, if you are in need of some extra support or looking to grow, EyeSpy Marketing has everything that you need to get to your next level. We will help alleviate stress, anxiety, and pressure by helping bring your brand core into a clearer view. We will work to create a uniquely lasting and impressive brand identity tailored to your vision. At the end of the day we want to see you thrive.
Medina & Sara-Lydia
EyeSpy Marketing